pricing + credentials
Pricing + packages
standard sessions - $90/60 minutes.
intensive + focus sessions - $125/90 minutes.
*I keep sliding scale spots available, so if you need support via coaching and can’t fully resource it, send me a message.
About Packages:
I am not currently offering packages, because I want this space to be pressure-free. If you purchase a package and then life shifts or you need to go another direction, I want you to feel the flexibility to make that decision without obligation.
However, part of offering packages is to encourage commitment to the work because healing takes time. True and abiding inner work is not a quick fix, nor does a single coaching package resolve years of trauma or adverse experiences. My goal is to provide you with a tangible experience of feeling heard, seen, and understood, and that your progress will inspire you to the path of healing indefinitely.
My Training…
I received my certification through the IAOTRC, International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching. Their coaching program includes a live 6-month training with practice groups (as opposed to a pre-recorded course), mentoring, supervision, passing a supervised exam, completing a practicum, and submitting a client case study. Following certification, I am required to continue my education and complete courses for CEUs each year, attend set hours of supervision, stay current on psychoeducation, and utilize accountability and mentorship from the supervisors in my association.
The standards I am held to…
The IAOTRC is incredibly invested in its code of conduct and ethics system, as its goals are twofold: providing consistent safety for the trauma survivor and building credibility and trust in the coaching world. There are many coaches online and the coaching world is often - and accurately - viewed warily by licensed health practitioners. That reputation only changes when the coaching community creates better and more strenuous certification guidelines and more thorough accountability to ethics. The IAOTRC are committed to this work and that is why I chose them for my certification holder.
I am also devoted to working only within my scope of competency. If a client has a need that is out of the range of my training, I am committed to connecting them with the support that fits their need.
More on the code of ethics + coaching standards that I am in collaboration with here.