Healing can seem daunting AF… the right tools help.
Your healing process is accelerated by finding tools that work for you, and consistently implementing them. It’s less about wellness fads and much more about 2 things: does it feel right for YOU and can you return to it again and again? The most effective tools are free and accessible - unlike the way wellness culture showcases healing. You don’t have to spend oodles on a spa journey at Mii Amo or fly to Iceland for a Wim Hof meet and greet to experience embodied, meaningful healing.
high 5 your heart
The physical action of giving yourself a high five can create a positive emotional response and make the affirmation more believable and empowering.
4-7-8 breathing
The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a simple breathing exercise that can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation.
the grey rock method
The Grey Rock Method is a technique used to handle difficult people or situations by minimizing emotional reactions.
healing your inner child
Affirmations can be a way to re-parent or give ourselves love, acceptance, and understanding that our parents or caregivers did not provide.